Famous male smokers

Debi Austin dies: Woman famous for anti.
28.02.2013 · Anti-smoking icon dies at 62: Woman made famous in ad that showed her puffing through hole in her neck dies of throat cancer after 20-year battle
Famous male smokers
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While it’s surely embarrassing for a well-known hip-hop DJ to get arrested with his penis in the mouth of another guy while seated in a parked car at 4 AM, perhaps

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Famous male smokers
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Famous Pipe Smokers
Male and Female Celebrity Actor Smoking List. By golly, Hollywood is all ablaze! Below is a list of male and female celebrity, actors and actresses who partake of the
Frederick John "Fred" Perry was a championship-winning English tennis and table tennis player who won 10 Majors including eight Grand Slams and two Pro Slams.
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1. Albert Einstein (pipe, cigarettes) d. 1955, age 76, ruptured aortic aneurysm 2. Johnny Weismuller (life-long non-smoker) d. 1984, age 80, of pulmonary edema after